
How to

Contact Us

Little Grange Nursery



CV22 6QU

Main Nursery Number:  01788 818 221

Admissions Enquiries:  01788 818211

Directions to the school are available here.

Please note: Many SatNav devices do not bring you to the correct place when attempting to reach our postcode, therefore please follow the directions linked for when you are nearing the nursery, and use postcode CV22 6PN. Please call 01788 810 217 if more information is needed.

Make an appointment

Come and see us

Parents are most welcome to make an appointment to visit and meet the team.

Please call the Little Grange admissions team on 01788 818211 or email them at for further details.

“Our daughter has thrived at Little Grange. From the very first settle session till now we have watched her grow in confidence. Her time at Little Grange has helped her reach more milestones than she would have anywhere else and we are always pleased with the professionalism and care that the staff and her key worker shows every day.” – Parent